Vol. 8 No. 2 (2017): Revista Cambios y Permanencias
Dossier: III Encuentro Nacional de Historia Oral y memoria

Oral history and communication: Contributions for the construction of a dialogical and critical theory of teacher pedagogy

Juan Felipe Nieto Molina
Colectivo Historia Oral – Colombia


  • Oral history,
  • critical pedagogy,
  • communication- education,
  • teachers´education

How to Cite

Nieto Molina, J. F. (2017). Oral history and communication: Contributions for the construction of a dialogical and critical theory of teacher pedagogy. Cambios Y Permanencias, 8(2), 845–857. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistacyp/article/view/7825


The debates held in the last decades about the importance of social media inclusion as a background element within schools, have enabled us to visualize a series of pedagogical Works which have transformed the pedagogical teachers´interventions in the classrooms. The concern about producing alternating curricula that can respond to the immediately needs of the educational contexts, have managed to recover the community members voices to contribute in conflict soutions and in the quality of education improvement. However, the social and cultural challenges posed by this century, invite us to create inclusive pedagogical interventions which involve the sight of military conflict victims, LGBT community, afrodescendants and others, in order to contribute in a peace and dialogue society construction. 

Consequently, this work that is a product of a theoretical reflection aims to analyze a sort of conceptual contributions which may allow us to take the oral history and the critical pedagogy as key elements in the teachers´education and the change of the instructional interventions.

It must be made clear, however, that the following article represents a serie of comtemplations taken from authors of critical theory, critical pedagogy, oral history and communication – education, which make posible reconstruct meeting áreas and not- meeting ones, to think about teachers as intellectually twenty first century converters.


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