Vol. 8 No. 2 (2017): Revista Cambios y Permanencias
Dossier: III Encuentro Nacional de Historia Oral y memoria

The relations between speech and orality: Sieges to Michel de Certeau and Jerome Bruner

Edison Duván Avalos Flórez
Instituto Tecnológico Superior “Vicente Fierro”, Tulcán-Ecuador


  • Michel de Certeau,
  • Jerome Bruner,
  • speaks,
  • orality

How to Cite

Avalos Flórez, E. D. (2017). The relations between speech and orality: Sieges to Michel de Certeau and Jerome Bruner. Cambios Y Permanencias, 8(2), 949–963. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistacyp/article/view/7830


Certeau and Bruner build a conceptualization of speech that is inserted into a cultural framework. For them, the speech overflows the epistemological conditions and can be conceived as a matrix that reveals the meanings that give meaning to life. Orality, on the other hand, would be a characteristic that resonates in speech based on contents, procedures and contexts that leave an affective mark on the other. In this way, speech, when it is composed of orality and when presented under a narrative form, becomes one of the vehicles that allow the subject to achieve transcendence in life.


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