Vol. 9 No. 1 (2018): Revista Cambios y Permanencias
Dossier: III Encuentro Nacional de Historia Oral y memoria

Of bandits and gentlemen: General history of paramilitarism in Colombia

Jhon Bayron Bedoya Sandoval
Universidad de Caldas
Portada: Guido Llinás 

Published 2018-06-01


  • Security Statute,
  • Self-defenses,
  • Paramilitarism,
  • Human Rights,
  • Armed Conflict.

How to Cite

Bedoya Sandoval, J. B. (2018). Of bandits and gentlemen: General history of paramilitarism in Colombia. Cambios Y Permanencias, 9(1), 790–806. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistacyp/article/view/8462


The armed conflict in Colombia was increased by the implementation of the Security Statute in 1978 and the creation of self-defense groups. The alliance with some members of the public forces and drug traffickers would form private armies that would generate a systematic violation of the rights increased with the arrival of foreign mercenaries to the country in order to train paramilitary groups. This article is a brief tour through the history of the formation of paramilitarism in Colombia and its impact on the country.


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