Published 2018-06-01
- Identity,
- Young boys,
- Globalization,
- Hip Hop- Rap
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Presentation “Hip Hop and City. Identities raperas in Bogotá” socialize the investigation process that I have carried out in order to apply for the title of master in cultural studies. I expose the construction phase of the problem, the question and the objectives. Later, I present the approach and the theoretical perspective based on cultural studies. In the same way, I expose the relationship of the rappers identities with the dominants discourses and the struggles for the discursive hegemony on them. I expose the methodology – life story- based in the experiences of three well-known rappers. They are: Carlos Andrés Pacheco (CAP), Giovanni Martínez (Cuervo Rolo) y Yilder Rueda (Yoki Barrios). Finally, I present the investigation design, the methodological approach, the instruments used and some results.
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