Vol. 9 No. 1 (2018): Revista Cambios y Permanencias
Dossier: III Encuentro Nacional de Historia Oral y memoria

Understanding of oneself from the narration of evil, the autobiographical text of the adolescent judicialized

José Eduardo Cortés Torres
Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
Portada: Guido Llinás 

Published 2018-06-01


  • Identity,
  • narrative,
  • life history,
  • personal experience,
  • deprivation of liberty sentences

How to Cite

Cortés Torres, J. E. (2018). Understanding of oneself from the narration of evil, the autobiographical text of the adolescent judicialized. Cambios Y Permanencias, 9(1), 1228–1250. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistacyp/article/view/8488


Some conclusions of the research entitled "Building narrative identity through the autobiographical text in young people deprived of freedom" are presented in this paper, in which writing is approached as a creator of meanings versus impressions and images thrown by the everydayness The study population is the case of some young people who are under the system of criminal responsibility (PACU), where the act of autobiographical narrative text production behaves as a mechanism of re-knowledge and memory, both individually and collectively; something that can be approached theoretically from the perspective of Paul Ricoeur (1988). Now, from the results of the intervention it is observed that the autobiographical narratives show the limit of the own action and the scope of the own will, allowing the men to re-know each other; for this reason it is possible to consider that in this case, telling evil is an imperative to create spaces of intersubjectivity that allow the understanding of the other, especially within the framework of our complex Colombian society, where indifference to cruelty prevails.


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