Vol. 20 No. 1 (2021): Revista Filosofía UIS

Two Visions of Human Development and Social Justice: Freedom or Dignity?

Ana María Salazar Canaval
Universidad del Valle, Colombia

Published 2021-01-01


  • human development,
  • capacities,
  • freedom,
  • dignity,
  • poverty

How to Cite

Salazar Canaval, A. M. (2021). Two Visions of Human Development and Social Justice: Freedom or Dignity?. Revista Filosofía UIS, 20(1), 301–328. https://doi.org/10.18273/revfil.v20n1-2021013


The objective of this article is to evaluate two moral foundations that allow us to frame the discussion about social justice and human development. On the one hand, Amartya Sen starts from ethical assumptions such as freedom to provide an evaluative framework that analyzes poverty and quality of life. On the other, Martha Nussbaum, from philosophical assumptions such as dignity, establishes a practical guide for the proper functioning and development of human life. Both authors converge on the idea that poverty is a condition of vulnerability to life and that, in addition, its consequences transgress the different political, economic and social dimensions of human life. Hence, it can be said that poverty transgresses and obstructs the full enjoyment of the political, economic, social and cultural rights of citizens.


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