Published 2009-12-16
- philosophy,
- architecture,
- architectural object,
- metaphysics,
- Heidegger
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Copyright (c) 2009 Tomasz Drewniak

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Philosophy, just as it does with other phenomena, conceptualizes architectonic work each time selecting a definite architectonic object symbolizing a supersensory principle of the world. The examples of such objects, which were analyzed, are temple (Plato), edifice (Kant) and farmhouse (Heidegger). This paper presents how philosophy takes over from architecture the interrelationships, and through them, it articulates its own domain of problems. On the basis of architectonic metaphor, philosophy constructs notional framework enabling presenting the world as an entity: project, work, Demiurg, matter. This paper aims to reconstruct the inherent relationship between the architectonic of philosophy and metaphysics (in the Heideggerian notion). It shows the connection between the metaphysical project thinking and poetic project one - the connection which is a condition of architectonic existence of philosophy.
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