Vol. 13 No. 2 (2014): Revista Filosofía UIS
Research Article

Memory and time. Phenomenological description of the structure of memory and its relationship with the internal consciousness of time

Juan Carlos Rincón Acuña
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional de Colombia

Published 2014-11-04


  • memory,
  • time,
  • constitution,
  • fulfillment,
  • distance

How to Cite

Rincón Acuña, J. C. (2014). Memory and time. Phenomenological description of the structure of memory and its relationship with the internal consciousness of time. Revista Filosofía UIS, 13(2), 199–225. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistafilosofiauis/article/view/4999


The memory is conceived as a fluid link of passed object to other passed objects to the lived moment which determines the time-consciousness and ego consciousness. The analysis starts from the world as a substrate where the relationship noesis-noema is given, thereby to analyze the structure of memory and its relation to the inner consciousness of time. It uses the act of compliance (die Erfüllung) and the recursive process of retention (and hence protention) as moments of time consciousness, not of the awareness that is the subject of it.


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