Vol. 14 No. 2 (2015): Revista Filosofía UIS
Research Article

Capitalism, guilt and redemption. (About the spiritual foundation of the metro-polis)

Camilo Alfonso Salazar Flórez
Universidad Javeriana - Bogotá

Published 2015-12-03


  • Resistance,
  • memory,
  • tradition,
  • capitalism,
  • city

How to Cite

Salazar Flórez, C. A. (2015). Capitalism, guilt and redemption. (About the spiritual foundation of the metro-polis). Revista Filosofía UIS, 14(2), 167–184. https://doi.org/10.18273/revfil.v14n2-2015008


This paper exposes a critic to the called ‘historical memory’. The activity of recalling the ‘forgettable’ has been postulated as an anti-capitalist action meant by itself. Because his ‘origins’ oblivion, the city’s inhabitant is accused of lacking authenticity. However, a conceptual analysis of these subjectivities in dispute notices that their opposition is only apparent: they both are part of the new formal unit of capitalism. The subject, who convene his ‘ancestors’, and the one who is constantly moving (capital) are now the form of a same subject. Both the traditional city, which we will relate to the action of recalling (from being determined), and the cosmo-polis, related to the capitalist processes of eroded limits (the city that rests on itself), are no longer sustainable. It is the Metro-polis (and its creatures), which overflows his footage, which can conjugate both moments: Then, what was presented as a resistance against capitalism is also seen as belonging to it in an intimate way.


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