Vol. 15 No. 1 (2016): Revista Filosofía UIS
Research Article

Friedrich Hayek: the theory of knowledge and the epistemic foundation for the criticism of planned economy

Leandro Gastón Indavera Stieben
Universidad Nacional de Chilecito

Published 2016-06-24


  • Hayek,
  • knowledge,
  • criticism,
  • planned,
  • economy

How to Cite

Indavera Stieben, L. G. (2016). Friedrich Hayek: the theory of knowledge and the epistemic foundation for the criticism of planned economy. Revista Filosofía UIS, 15(1), 89–195. https://doi.org/10.18273/revfil.v15n1-2016004


Firstly, the aim of this paper is to analyse several Hayek´s writings in order to understand his conception of knowledge and in order to show how these conceptions are useful as a tool to set, partially, the foundations of free market and the denial of any economic planning. Secondly, Hayek´s ideas will be analysed in order to show how it is possible to build a subjective theory of value based on Hayek´s theory of knowledge.


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