Vol. 15 No. 2 (2016): Revista filosofía UIS
Research Article

Reflections on fashion

María Cristina Toro Zambrano
Universidad de la Salle, Colombia

Published 2016-11-30


  • Fashion,
  • actual,
  • body,
  • hyperreality,
  • classism

How to Cite

Toro Zambrano, M. C. (2016). Reflections on fashion. Revista Filosofía UIS, 15(2), 181–192. https://doi.org/10.18273/revfil.v15n2-2016009


The main objective in philosophy is to discuss and think about something in particular that allows reflection. Fashion have a time, a space and a place. It has as social exclusion as the base of its structure and it has hyperreality as the result. This is possible by thinking beyond different authors like Walter Benjamin, George Simmel and Jean Baudrillard, who allow me see some Fashion elements of everyday life.


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  1. Balzac, H. (1919). Tratado de la vida elegante. Madrid: América.
  2. Barthes, R. (1994). Sistema de la moda. Barcelona: Gustavo Gilli.
  3. Baudrillard, J. (1978). Cultura y Simulacro. Barcelona: Editorial Kairós.
  4. Benjamin. W. (2004). El libro de los pasajes.Madrid: Ediciones Akal .
  5. Leopardi, G. (2014). Diálogo de la moda y de la muerte. México: Taurus.
  6. Orozco Vargas, C. (2005). Coco Chanel. Una mujer salida del molde. Bogotá: Panamericana.
  7. Platón (1871). Fedro (P. de Azcaráte, Trad.). Madrid: Imprenta de la Biblioteca de Instrucción y Recreo.
  8. Simmel, G. (2014). Filosofía de la moda. Madrid: Editorial Casimiro.