Vol. 19 No. 2 (2020): Revista Filosofía UIS

An approach to the concept of justice in British historicism of the 18th century

Andrés Eduardo Gómez Alarcón
Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia

Published 2020-05-29


  • justice,
  • private property,
  • sympathy,
  • selfishness,
  • moral

How to Cite

Gómez Alarcón, A. E. (2020). An approach to the concept of justice in British historicism of the 18th century. Revista Filosofía UIS, 19(2), 135–160. https://doi.org/10.18273/revfil.v19n2-2020008


In the England of the XVIIIth century several of the most important thinkers of the epoch were assembled, who were coming from different zones of the United Kingdom, like is the case of David Hume and Adam Smith, who come from of Scotland, as Edmund Burke native to Ireland, which contributed their ideas in favor of resolving the most important disadvantages of the British society, among them was justice. It is as well as, from the philosophical perspective, economic and political, it can be reached to the proper concept of justice that was reigning in an epoch that Maurizio Fioravanti called the British historicism, a model that as the individualism and the estatism predominated in the century of the revolutions. The objective of the article is conceptualize to the justice under the human philosophical proposal based on the association of ideas and the theory of the passions; the economic gaze smithiana been ruled by the idea of the impartial spectator and the invisible hand; in addition to the political perspective burkean oriented by his political iusnaturalism.


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