Vol. 10 No. 2 (2012): Fuentes, el reventón energético

Reacción y difusión: dos factores claves en la técnica de combustión in situ

Andres Jair Yatte Garzon
Universidad Industrial de Santander.
Maria Carolina Ruiz Cañas
Universidad Industrial de Santander.
Samuel Fernando Muñoz Navarro
Universidad Industrial de Santander.

Published 2012-11-28


  • Combustion,
  • diffusion,
  • dispersion,
  • kinetics,
  • thermodynamic

How to Cite

Yatte Garzon, A. J., Ruiz Cañas, M. C., & Muñoz Navarro, S. F. (2012). Reacción y difusión: dos factores claves en la técnica de combustión in situ. Fuentes, El reventón energético, 10(2). Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistafuentes/article/view/3329


Currently, around the world, 64% of the reserves are composed of heavy oil, which is not easily extracted by conventional methods. In order to exploit these deposits, some techniques have been developed for enhanced oil recovery, all of them with different mechanisms of displacement. Fluids drive miscible and immiscible, viscosity reduction by temperature rise, reduction of surface tension by chemical methods, etc. Among these techniques

it may be found the in-situ combustion (ISC), which is known as a thermal method since it is based on energy

transfer in the form of heat in order to decrease the viscosity and density of the heavy oil to be extracted from the reservoir.


ISC is a complex technique because it has several physical and chemical mechanisms of displacement. This Technique  occurs  in  fve  steps:  dispersion  of  air  at  the  surface,  adsorption  of  oxygen  in  the media,  chemical reactions,  desorption  of  the  combustion  gases  and fnally,  diffusion  of  these  gases  to  the  surface. The  overall process speed is controlled by the step that occurs more slowly, which is usually the chemical kinetics or the dispersion.


In this paper it is studied the two principal aspects separately, beginning with a review of the reactions that occurin this process. Also it is presented the most important chemical transformations of each temperature regime (low, intermediate and high) as well as the kinetics and thermodynamics of the reactions, which introduces the subject of phase equilibrium for the technique. On the other hand, it is made a review of the different types of dispersion

that exist in the reservoir and the factors which affect this process, considering that it is mass transfer phenomena taking in a porous medium, thus generating the necessity for new correlations that include correction factors with the main goal of representing the displacement phenomena by mathematical expressions.


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