Revista Integración, temas de matemáticas.
Vol. 39 No. 2 (2021): Revista Integración, temas de matemáticas
Research and Innovation Articles

Homoto-Homological Skeleton in the Category of Abelian Groups

Rafael Gaitan Ospina
Universidad del Valle, Departamento de Matemáticas, Cali, Colombia.

Published 2021-09-27


  • Simplicial sets,
  • simplicial abelian groups,
  • homotopy,
  • homology,
  • homotopic system,
  • singular functor,
  • admissible categories,
  • model object
  • ...More

How to Cite

Gaitan Ospina, R. (2021). Homoto-Homological Skeleton in the Category of Abelian Groups. Revista Integración, Temas De matemáticas, 39(2), 137–176.


In this paper, we present the construction of a general homology theory in the category of abelian groups in the sense of the textbook Introducción a la Teoría de Homología General by R. Ruiz [22], to general categories, meeting axioms similar to those presented by Eilenberg and Steenrod in homology theories for admissible categories of topological pairs (X, A) [3]. We built this general homology theory in abelian groups through what we called Homoto-Homological Skeleton, showing the connections with monoidal categories and simplicial categories.


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