Revista Integración, temas de matemáticas.
Vol. 29 No. 1 (2011): Revista Integración, temas de matemáticas
Research and Innovation Articles

Introduction to geometric group theory

Olga Salazar-Díaz
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Escuela de Matemáticas, Medellín, Colombia.
Gabriel Vergara-Ríos
Universidad de Córdoba, Dpto. de Matemáticas y Estadística, Montería, Colombia

Published 2011-01-31


  • group action,
  • Cayley graphs,
  • quasi-isometries,
  • quasi-isometricembeddings

How to Cite

Salazar-Díaz, O., & Vergara-Ríos, G. (2011). Introduction to geometric group theory. Revista Integración, Temas De matemáticas, 29(1), 15–30. Retrieved from


 In this article we will give an introduction to geometric group theory. We will see how from a finite presentation of a group, we can give this group a metric space structure. We discuss the action of the groupon this space and we study geometric properties preserved under quasiisometry.


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