Revista Integración, temas de matemáticas.
Vol. 25 No. 1 (2007): Revista Integración, temas de matemáticas
Research and Innovation Articles

Lensamiento gravitacional mediante simulaciones interactivas

N. Moreno
Grupo de Física y Matemática, Departamento de Física, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
D. Noguera
Grupo de Física y Matemática, Departamento de Física, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
M. Valencia D
Grupo de Física y Matemática, Departamento de Física, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional.

Published 2007-04-30


  • Gravitational lensing,
  • simulation,
  • mass models

How to Cite

Moreno, N., Noguera, D., & Valencia D, M. (2007). Lensamiento gravitacional mediante simulaciones interactivas. Revista Integración, Temas De matemáticas, 25(1), 71–76. Retrieved from


One of the main consequences of the relativistic theory of gravitation is that the space-time curvature has effects that can be observed -and measured with great precision- not only in body mass (mass resting different from zero) but also in the light. In order to illustrate this phenomenon, we design an educational software which includes four models of axially symmetric gravitational lensing, which allows the user to interactwith different parameters such as the font that emits radiation, its position and some characteristics of the object that causes curvature (lens). The interaction can collect a variety of effects of the same phenomenon that enable the study of images and their properties.


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