The work of Leslie Valiant: alle die Strassen führen nach Strassen
Published 2014-11-04
- Complexity,,
- algorithms,
- parsing,
- matrix algorithms
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This year Leslie VALIANT becomes sixty five years old; we celebrate his fest with this work in which we analyze some of his major achievements. We focus our attention on those of his works for which a strong influence of Volker Strassen can be easily detected. Strassen’s work has had a strong and lasting influence on Valiant. It does not means, as the title could suggest, that the manyfaced, relevant and complex work of Leslie Valiant can be understood as a corollary to Strassen.
To cite this article: J. Andrés Montoya, The work of Leslie Valiant: alle die Strassen führen nach Strassen, Rev. Integr. Temas Mat. 32 (2014), no. 2, 153-168.
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- [citado el 24 de julio de 2014]