Revista Integración, temas de matemáticas.
Vol. 34 No. 2 (2016): Revista Integración
Research and Innovation Articles

The group of automorphisms of the Fermat curve

Marby Bolaños Ortiz
Universidad del Cauca
Maribel Díaz
Universidad del Cauca
Martha Romero Rojas
Universidad del Cauca

Published 2016-12-12


  • Riemann surfaces,
  • automorphisms

How to Cite

Bolaños Ortiz, M., Díaz, M., & Romero Rojas, M. (2016). The group of automorphisms of the Fermat curve. Revista Integración, Temas De matemáticas, 34(2), 133–138.


In his paper, The group of automorphisms of the Fermat curve (see [7]), Tzermias proved that the automorphism group of the projective Fermat curves in characteristic 0 is the semidirect product of the direct sum of 2 copies of the y cyclic group of order n and the symmetri group on 3 letters. In this paper we present an alternative proof of this fact accessible to someone with basic knowledge of Riemann surfaces and group theory. Also we include the geometric correspondence of the action.

To cite this article: M. Bolaños Ortiz, M. Díaz, M. Romero Rojas, The group of automorphisms of the Fermat curve, Rev. Integr. Temas Mat. 34 (2016), No. 2, 133-138.


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