Revista Integración, temas de matemáticas.
Vol. 37 No. 1 (2019): Revista Integración, temas de matemáticas
Research and Innovation Articles

Group algebras and coding theory: a short survey

César Polcino Milies
Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Matemática e Estatística, R. do Matão 1010, Brazil.

Published 2019-02-19


  • code,
  • Hamming distance,
  • weight,
  • group algebra,
  • ideal,
  • group code
  • ...More

How to Cite

Polcino Milies, C. (2019). Group algebras and coding theory: a short survey. Revista Integración, Temas De matemáticas, 37(1), 153–166.


We study codes constructed from ideals in group algebras and we are particularly interested in their dimensions and weights. First we introduced a special kind of idempotents and study the ideals they generate.
We use this information to show that there exist abelian non-cyclic groups that give codes which are more convenient than the cyclic ones. Finally, we discuss briefly some facts about non-abelian codes.


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