Revista Integración, temas de matemáticas.
Vol. 26 Núm. 2 (2008): Revista Integración, temas de matemáticas
Artículos científicos

Counterrotating Dust Disk Around a Schwarzschild Black Hole: New Fully Integrated Explicit Exact Solution

Guillermo A. Gonzàlez
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Antonio C. Gutiérrez Piñeres
Universidad Industrial de Santander

Palabras clave

  • Classical General Relativity,
  • exact solutions,
  • self-gravitating systems,
  • Einstein equations

Cómo citar

Gonzàlez, G. A., & Gutiérrez Piñeres, A. C. (2008). Counterrotating Dust Disk Around a Schwarzschild Black Hole: New Fully Integrated Explicit Exact Solution. Revista Integración, Temas De matemáticas, 26(2), 123–130. Recuperado a partir de



The first fully integrated explicit exact solution of Einstein's field equations corresponding to the superposition of a counterrotating dust disk with a central black hole is presented. The obtained solution represents an infinite annular thin disk (a disk with an inner edge) around the Schwarsz-child black hole, and the corresponding to energy-momentum tensor agrees with all the energy conditions. The solution can also be interpreted as des-cribing a thin disk made of two counterrotating dust fluids that are also in agreement with all the energy conditions.




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