Vol. 28 No. 1 (2015): Revista ION

Conceptual design and simulation of a biodiesel production plant from Jatropha curcas L. in the department of Bolivar

Luis Rafael De la Rosa Ramos
Programa de Ingeniería Química. Universidad de Cartagena Sede Piedra de Bolívar. Avenida del Consulado, calle 30 No. 48 - 152, Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia.
Eilis Henríquez Montero
Programa de Ingeniería Química. Universidad de Cartagena Sede Piedra de Bolívar. Avenida del Consulado, calle 30 No. 48 - 152, Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia.
Eduardo Sánchez Tuirán
Programa de Ingeniería Química. Universidad de Cartagena Sede Piedra de Bolívar. Avenida del Consulado, calle 30 No. 48 - 152, Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia.
Karina Angelica Ojeda Delgado
Programa de Ingeniería Química. Universidad de Cartagena Sede Piedra de Bolívar. Avenida del Consulado, calle 30 No. 48 - 152, Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia.

Published 2015-07-17


  • Biofuels,
  • atropha Curcas L,
  • Simulation,
  • Physicochemical Properties.

How to Cite

De la Rosa Ramos, L. R., Henríquez Montero, E., Sánchez Tuirán, E., & Ojeda Delgado, K. A. (2015). Conceptual design and simulation of a biodiesel production plant from Jatropha curcas L. in the department of Bolivar. Revista ION, 28(1). Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistaion/article/view/4956


In recent years biofuels have been studied as a good alternative instead of fossil fuels. Jatropha curcas L oil (J. curcas)is a feedstock used to produce biodiesel which does not affect food security, has good yields and more advantages than traditional oils. Therefore, in this work, a conceptual design of a biodiesel production from J. curcas was developed by simulation, using HYSYS® software. A case study was proposed to produce biodiesel from 11000kg/h of Jatropha oil. Sequential stages of esterification and transesterification were studied due to high content of free fatty acid (FFA) in the oil. Thermodynamic data of the components was obtained from several models, which allowed to obtain a biofuel with high content of methyl esters over 98% (mass). Oil and biodiesel properties estimated by simulations and theoretical correlations showed a good fit with experimental data reported by different authors, and international standards for biodiesel such us ASTM D6751 and EN-12214 that helps to identify the J. curcas as a viable alternative to produce biofuels, also it could be suggested a commercial scale implementation in the department of Bolivar, because alimentary food would not been affected and it encourages to produce biodiesel from alternative resources in Colombia.


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