Publicado 2024-09-15
Palabras clave
- Ginzburg-Landau,
- Corriente crítica,
- Superconductividad,
- Estado de vórtices,
- Mesoscópico
Cómo citar
Derechos de autor 2024 Revista UIS Ingenierías

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In this contribution, we study the oscillations of the electrical-potential in a mesoscopic superconducting thin film when an external current is applied. We analyze the resistivity and electrical-potential as a function of the applied current for several external applied magnetic field and size of the sample. Also, we have calculated the electrical-potential as a function of the characteristic time. To study this problem, we solve the well know generalized time dependent-Ginzburg-Landau equations using the link-variable method. We found that the critical current decreases when the external magnetic field increases and the size of the sample decreases. Furthermore, the oscillation frequency of the kinematic vortex, evidenced in the oscillations of the electrical potential, is highly dependent on the applied magnetic field.
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