Analysis of the measurements of a device designed to register lightning currents in Barrancabermeja – Santander, using the lightning locations systems LINET and LMA in the 2018-2019 period
Published 2020-09-05
- analysis,
- comparison,
- current,
- equipment,
- lightning
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This work presents the analysis of the most important acquired signals, during a period of four months, of a lightning current measurement equipment installed in Barrancabermeja - Colombia. Initially, the required instrumentation to acquire the current signals is shown and a total of 68 signals are obtained. In order to discard events that did not correspond to lightning, the measurements were compared with the strokes measured by the Colombian Network for Total Lightning Detection with LINET technology, and to establish whether those corresponded to direct impacts, were contrasted with the data provided by the DABEIBA-LMA (Lightning Mapping Array) network, located in the same city where the equipment is installed. Based on the above, it is possible to establish the events that correspond to external disturbances or to events produced by nearby strikes. In this article, according to the obtained results, it was found that the measurements due to lightning correspond to induced voltages caused by intra-cloud events.
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