Technological model for the implementation of a ubiquitous learning process on mobile cloud computing
Published 2020-07-29
- ubiquitous learning,
- cloud computing,
- mobile cloud computing,
- problem-based learning,
- solving math problems
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This paper presents a proposal for a technological model that seeks to serve as a starting point for implementations of educational solutions that support training processes through ubiquitous education; This model was implemented on a technological platform based on Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC), which is supported on cloud computing technologies (Cloud Computing). To validate the application of the model, a case study was implemented, which is based on the topic of Mathematical Problems Resolution, an issue that is developed in subjects of first semesters at the university level. The implementation was carried out by developing an app (application for mobile devices) using the Microsoft Azure platform, as a Mobile Cloud Computing platform and the C # and ASP: NET development tools. The database manager used is MySQL.
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