Design considerations for a Michell-Banki turbine
Published 2020-10-21
- cross-flow turbine,
- Michell-Banki turbine,
- blades,
- nozzle,
- efficiency
- desing,
- rotor,
- design,
- hydraulic energy,
- entrance arch,
- computational simulation,
- ANSYS ...More
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Michell-Banki turbines, also known as cross-flow turbines, are hydraulic machines used for the production and generation of of small-scale hydroelectric power. Since its creation, the Michell-Banki turbine has been the subject of multiple investigations focused on improving eciency in order to obtain the maximum use of the available hydraulic resource. This work presents the main characteristics of the turbine, its components and its operating principle. Subsequently, a description of the most relevant research and contributions of each study. Then an analysis is made of the use and application of the Michell-Banki turbine and the opportunities for use in the Colombian territory with the aim of providing the energy resource to areas that lack the service and that have water resources. Finally, the most important considerations to take into account for the design of this type of turbines are described.
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