Vol. 21 No. 2 (2022): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Harvest and Distribution planning model for a fruit supply chain

Leonardo Rivera-Cadavid
Universidad del Valle
Diego León Peña-Orozco
Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
Juan José Bravo-Bastidas
Universidad del Valle
Andrés Felipe Puertas-Marín
Universidad del Valle
Yenny Tatiana Falla-Ramírez
Universidad del Valle

Published 2022-04-06


  • harvest planning,
  • distribution,
  • perishable products,
  • decision making,
  • supply chain

How to Cite

Rivera-Cadavid , L., Peña-Orozco, D. L., Bravo-Bastidas , J. J. ., Puertas-Marín, A. F. ., & Falla-Ramírez , Y. T. . (2022). Harvest and Distribution planning model for a fruit supply chain. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 21(2), 115–130. https://doi.org/10.18273/revuin.v21n2-2022010


A production planning problem related to income is addressed in a fruit supply chain of small producers, who prefer not to harvest if the market price does not allow their costs to be recovered. A mathematical model is proposed to represent the harvest decision where three elements are considered: the product perishability, the market prices behavior, and finally how much to harvest. This paper establishes that the income improvement of small agricultural producers is a strategy to support the socio-economic development of this sector. The model applied in a small citrus producer’s case study show that adequate harvest planning allows establishing a relationship between prices and sales to maximize small producer profits.


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