Synthesis of nanocatalysts based on iron oxide nanoparticles: a bibliometric review
Published 2024-03-06
- Catalyst,
- iron oxide,
- synthesis,
- carbon nanotubes
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This article presents a literature review of the iron oxide nanoparticles synthesis routes with applications as nanocatalysts in the synthesis of carbon nanostructures using the plastic pyrolysis method. Through pyrolysis, it is possible to synthesize structures such as single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWCNTs), multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), and carbon nanofibers (CNFs). The morphological and chemical properties of the nanocatalysts ensure the majority production with minimal defects of these nanostructures. Regarding the iron oxide nanocatalyst, this review emphasizes the importance of parameters such as its shape and size, properties that are controlled during the synthesis process, and the significance of the interaction between nanoparticles and the support material used. These factors directly influence the nanocatalyst's performance in terms of catalytic activity, selectivity, and durability.
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