Vol. 23 No. 1 (2024): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Microhardness Profile and Residual Stresses Evaluation in a Shot Peened SAE 5160H Steel

Alexander Viloria-Estrada
Industrias Metálicas Asociadas S.A
David Mantilla-Nova
Industrias Metálicas Asociadas S.A
Daiver Alberto García-Salinas
Wilmar Barbosa
Claudia Constanza Palacio-Espinosa
Universidad EAFIT
Fidel Alfonso Romero-Toledo
Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
Dario Yesid Peña-Ballesteros
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Jorge Guillermo Díaz-Rodríguez
Tecnológico de Monterrey

Published 2024-04-15


  • Shot peening,
  • Vickers microhardness,
  • residual stress,
  • SAE 5160,
  • leaf springs

How to Cite

Viloria-Estrada, A., Mantilla-Nova, D., García-Salinas, D. A., Barbosa, W., Palacio-Espinosa, C. C. ., Romero-Toledo, F. A., Peña-Ballesteros, D. Y., & Díaz-Rodríguez , J. G. (2024). Microhardness Profile and Residual Stresses Evaluation in a Shot Peened SAE 5160H Steel. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 23(1), 103–114. https://doi.org/10.18273/revuin.v23n1-2024009


Shot peening (SP) is a surface cold hardening process used on metals to enhance life under cyclic stress. In this case, SP was applied to SAE5160H samples of steel quenched tempered in oil at 460 °C used for leaf springs. This study shows the residual surface stresses measured through X-ray diffraction (XRD) and the microhardness variation through the perpendicular-to-the-peened surface using a combination of metallographic preparation and Vickers microhardness (HVN). This combination of techniques makes possible measuring the SP effect in perpendicular-to-the-treated surface. A residual stress of -365.8 ± 78 MPa measured by XRD and a maximum microhardness of 525± at 92.7 HVN on the surface were obtained for the SP material. Alternatively, an average of 54.2 ± 54.3 MPa residual stress measured by XRD and 433 ± 39.5 HVN were obtained for the As-it-is samples. In addition, corrosion electrochemical potential tests showed that SP increases the corrosion potential, which makes this process undesirable if the SP component is exposed to aggressive environments. Moreover, the As-it-is samples presented not statistically significant HVN difference in the measured points. The combination of experimental techniques allows estimating hardness change in perpendicular-to-the treated surface separated by as little as 10 µm but with a simpler specimen preparation than other techniques such as XRD or strain gauges. Such a combination can be an alternative for estimating residual stresses through depth.


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