Vol. 9 No. 2 (2010): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Non-destructive tests as tool for the dimensioning of discontinuities in the external surface of pipes

Edward Yesith Mendoza González
Grupo de Investigación en Control, Electrónica, Modelado y Simulación – CEMOS.
Luz Amparo Quintero Ortiz
Grupo de Investigación en Desarrollo y Tecnología de Nuevos Materiales – GIMAT
Gerardo Santos Castañeda
Coserinco S.A.S

Published 2010-12-15


  • Eddy Currents,
  • non-destructive testing,
  • visual inspection,
  • radiography,
  • optical systems,
  • ultrasound
  • ...More

How to Cite

Mendoza González, E. Y., Quintero Ortiz, L. A., & Santos Castañeda, G. (2010). Non-destructive tests as tool for the dimensioning of discontinuities in the external surface of pipes. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 9(2), 171–181. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistauisingenierias/article/view/2062


In petrochemical industry, it is necessary to use a Non-destructive testing that allows, in a fast and suitable way, the quantification of the present corrosion on the external surface of the pipes used by oil pipelines and gas pipelines. Currently, this process is executed manually, making it slow and tedious to obtain the results and subject to human error. Therefore, in this paper the study of the main Non-destructive testing is done to choose the most suitable one, so that it allows extracting information from the corroded zones, such as: the maximum depth of the corroded area and the projection of this on the longitudinal axis of the pipelines. This information is required for the analysis of the integrity and determination of the maximum pressure of the pipelines operation, according to the regulations established for transport and distribution of the hydrocarbon, in particular the ASME B31G code.


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