Vol. 11 No. 2 (2012): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Social networks and knowledge representation as a support of learning processes

Eliécer Pineda-Ballesteros
Adriana Rocío Lizcano-Dallos
Rafael Neftalí Lizcano-Reyes

Published 2012-12-15


  • Ontology,
  • argumentation,
  • modelling,
  • simulation,
  • knowledge representation

How to Cite

Pineda-Ballesteros, E., Lizcano-Dallos, A. R., & Lizcano-Reyes, R. N. (2012). Social networks and knowledge representation as a support of learning processes. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 11(2), 237–251. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistauisingenierias/article/view/238-251


This paper presents the results of a research project entitled “Simas Y FreeStyler: La Representación Del Conocimiento Como Medio Para La Gestión Del Aprendizaje Autónomo “funded by the UNAD and UDI. It is assumed that the creation of learning communities among researchers, educators and students, supported by digital environments is an alternative for improving the quality of education and ensure the inclusion of IT. This paper presents the results of a descriptive research exercise which incorporates tools for the representation and evaluation in solving case studie by group of tenth grade students. The results show that there are effects of these tools on students’ abilities to solve challenges commonly faced otherwise. It was noticed the Value that social networks can have when forming learning communities.



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