Vol. 7 No. 1 (2008): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Design of a system of injection of water current (sicp) modeling of production pipe

Omar Leonardo Peña Galvis
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Hermann Raúl Vargas Torres
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Jairo Humberto Guzmán Mejía

Published 2008-05-16


  • Electrical Heating,
  • heavy oil,
  • pipe impedance,
  • power system,
  • inverse bridge control,
  • data acquisitions system
  • ...More

How to Cite

Peña Galvis, O. L., Vargas Torres, H. R., & Guzmán Mejía, J. H. (2008). Design of a system of injection of water current (sicp) modeling of production pipe. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 7(1), 77–86. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistauisingenierias/article/view/399


This paper resumes the conceptuality design process of Injection Current System in Well (SICP), with object to elevate the gradient of temperature in the production pipe (Tubing-Casing) of an oil well. This increment in the temperature facilitates the mobility of the raw one in ascent for the tubing from the bottom of the well until the surface. For such an effect, the SICP operates in the following way: to the tubing will be made circulate electric current until the bottom of the well where is interconnected with the casing and this in turn with the earth of the system, closing the circuit this way. This procedure generates an increment of temperature in the pipe like consequence of the electric losses (Hysteresis and Eddy currents) characteristic of the steel, material ferromagnetic with which the pipe is manufactured.


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