Vol. 8 No. 2 (2009): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Sirba 1.0 information system for ballistic recognition based on the vulger calls found in scenes of crimes

Carlos Alberto Cobos Lozada
Universidad del Cauca
Viviana Molano Mora
Universidad del Cauca
Diana Sanchez Dorado
Universidad del Cauca

Published 2009-12-02


  • Weapon,
  • cartridges,
  • cartridge case,
  • shorts,
  • otsu,
  • K-nn,
  • genetic algorithms
  • ...More

How to Cite

Cobos Lozada, C. A., Molano Mora, V., & Sanchez Dorado, D. (2009). Sirba 1.0 information system for ballistic recognition based on the vulger calls found in scenes of crimes. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 8(2), 141–154. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistauisingenierias/article/view/505



The bullet casings found at crime scenes, are key to start investigations to clarify the facts. A weapon fring a projectile, leaving a set of marks on the cartridges, many of them in his shorts. In this paper we present an algorithm based on a 2D image taken from a bullet casings shorts, use processing techniques and image analysis to obtain some of these characteristic marks left by the weapon, then, based on a database that records the bullet casings found previously in other crime scenes and the K-nn algorithm used to relate the bullet casings with previously registered weapons or with other cartridges found in other scenes. To determine the importance of each characteristic marks, we design a genetic algorithm to further defne the optimal number of neighbors. An experiment was conducted with 15 weapons fred 10 or 30 times each obtained promising results. 


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