Vol. 16 No. 2 (2017): UIS Engineering Journal

Demand management in residential customers with impact assess-ment via opinion dynamics

Mateo Cortés Guzmán
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Orlando González Vivas
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Elkin Moreno Soto
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Carlos Cusgüen
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Eduardo Alirio Mojica Nava
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Fabio Andres Pavas Martinez
Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Published 2017-05-15


  • Load displacement,
  • opinion dynamics,
  • electricity,
  • energy,
  • strategic end,
  • demand flexibility,
  • demand management,
  • graphs,
  • influence,
  • multiagent,
  • demand response
  • ...More

How to Cite

Cortés Guzmán, M., González Vivas, O., Moreno Soto, E., Cusgüen, C., Mojica Nava, E. A., & Pavas Martinez, F. A. (2017). Demand management in residential customers with impact assess-ment via opinion dynamics. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 16(2), 281–292. https://doi.org/10.18273/revuin.v16n2-2017025


A mechanism for demand management is proposed which consists of a combined incentive with first stage direct (monetary) incentive applied to a small group of users forming a seed; and a second stage where the seed’s influence on the total group is evaluated given the opinions’ weights attributed to other agents and the susceptibility to change of self-opinions. The main goal is to establish the range of feasible investment alternatives using the combined incentive, having into account the user’s budget constraints and the influence propagation through the user’s network, thus obtaining the relationship between consumption’ s increase, investment cost and payback period. We also propose practical study cases, with assessment of user’s flexibility potential in their aggregated load curves, achieving an 6.8% average power increase in the ideal case, and 2.65% when moderate participation is assumed with a videogames console as the new appliance. In a similar way, when the new appliance is an electric tankless water heater it is found an average power increase about 16% for the ideal case and around 7% when the model assumes moderate acceptance of the program.


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