State of the art on fracture mechanics in high density polyethylene pipes (HDPE)
Published 2019-08-06
- Fracture mechanics,
- Pipes,
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The aim of this work is to present a descriptive - documentary research to give an insight into the current situation of experimental studies of fracture mechanics developed in pipes made of HDPE (PE-100 and PE-80). In first place, there are presented the results and main conclusions of the fracture theories used in each investigation. In addition, the techniques used in the last decades for the characterization to elastoplastic fracture of materials with a high degree of ductility, and showing a strong viscoelastic behavior as in the case of HDPE, are summarized. On the other hand, the requirements to perform the experimental tests are specified, as well as the properties of the material (J_IC ,δ_IC ,W_F) obtained and its application in the field of engineering as a fracture criterion. The product of this research allows to demonstrate that in recent years the experimental studies carried out on elastoplastic fracture mechanics for pipes made of HDPE are few and generic, without presenting a complete characterization to interpret the mechanical behavior of these pipes under the presence of cracks or defects in such a way as to provide mechanical properties (K_J-CTOD) that contribute to improving the design processes of the pipes.
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