Vol. 20 No. 1 (2021): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Application of concurrent engineering oriented to the manufacture of a tool for the extraction of a crown nut on an excavator

Milton Fabian Coba-Salcedo
Universidad del Atlántico
Guillermo Vanegas-Rojas
Empresa Austing Ingenieros
Lisandro Vargas-Henríquez
Universidad del Atlántico
Alfonso Rodriguez-Peña
Universidad del Atlántico

Published 2020-11-18


  • DFMA,
  • concurrent engineering,
  • QFD,
  • crown-nut

How to Cite

Coba-Salcedo, M. F., Vanegas-Rojas, G., Vargas-Henríquez, L., & Rodriguez-Peña, A. (2020). Application of concurrent engineering oriented to the manufacture of a tool for the extraction of a crown nut on an excavator. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 20(1), 197–212. https://doi.org/10.18273/revuin.v20n1-2021017


The article presents the application of Concurrent Engineering integrating design for quality (QFD) and design for manufacture and assembly (DFMA), in the manufacture of a mechanical tool for the dismantling of a Turkish crown from a crawler excavator. The study was developed due to the need that the Maintenance Department of a coal extraction company had in disassembling a propulsion transmission of the hydraulic excavator RH340B to repair some of its parts in bad condition. The analysis was since the design of this tool met the specifications of the torque required for the disassembly of the system. It is concluded that through the applied methods it results in a design of 26 pieces, with acceptable values in the efficiency of the assembly and in the complexity factor. In addition, the manufactured tool was of great help in disassembling the final control, since its local manufacture achieved savings of almost 75% of the investment costs required by the acquisition of an original TEREX|O&K tool.


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