Cardiotacómetro digital prototipo para estudio de la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca Jaime Guillermo Barrero Pérez, Oscar León Rueda, Miguel Pinto Aparicio, Javier Gonzáles Barajas 81-86 PDF (Español (España))
Spark tension with positive polarity atmospheric impulses for short insulation distances, using electrodes tip to tip and tip-plate Julio César Chacón Velasco, Henry Dalid Castellanos Z. 87-93 PDF (Español (España))
Study of demand / seismic capacity of the integrated hospital of the municipality of Landazuri, Santander Esperanza Maldonado, Avelino Amado Lamus 95-104 PDF (Español (España))
Simulation of the escorrential processes in the Terzieterbeek mountain basin, Limburg - Netherlands Jorge Alberto Guzmán Jaimes, R.G.W. Venneker 105-112 PDF (Español (España))
Static planning of the expansion of transmission systems: comparison of genetic algorithms, search tabu and truncated enumeration Paola Baratto Callejas, Camilo Táutiva Mancera, Gerardo Latorre Bayona 113-119 PDF (Español (España))
Design and construction of a prototype of a soil resistivity meter for the corrosion laboratory of the metallurgical engineering school Jaime Guillermo Barrero Pérez, José Alejandro Amaya Palacio, Carlos Andrés Angulo Julio, Jaime Andres Fiallo Arias, Omar Leonardo Núñez Gualdrón 121-133 PDF (Español (España))