Vol. 42 No. 2 (2020): Boletín de Geología
Artículos científicos

Shallow intraplate seismicity in the Buenos Aires province (Argentina) and surrounding areas: is it related to the Quilmes Trough?

Eduardo Antonio Rossello
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Benjamín Heit
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
Marcelo Bianchi
Universidade de São Paulo

Published 2020-05-28


  • Intraplate seismicity,
  • Quilmes Trough,
  • Rio de la Plata,
  • Argentina,
  • Uruguay

How to Cite

Rossello, E. A., Heit, B., & Bianchi, M. (2020). Shallow intraplate seismicity in the Buenos Aires province (Argentina) and surrounding areas: is it related to the Quilmes Trough?. Boletín De Geología, 42(2), 31–48. https://doi.org/10.18273/revbol.v42n2-2020002



In the light of the November 30th, 2018 (N30) earthquake activity, some neighborhoods of the city of Buenos Aires were shaken by a 3.8 mb earthquake (4.53 km estimated depth). We examined the historical and recent seismic records in order to analyze possible mechanisms related to the distribution of tectonic stresses as responsible for such unusual earthquakes in a region where only very little seismic activity is reported. According to this, at list one historical event occurred on June 5th, 1888 and other small magnitude earthquakes are mentioned since 1848 interpreted as being associated with the Rio de la Plata faulting. But there is, still no consensus about the role of this structure compared to other structures with orientation SW-NE. The lack of evidence to support one over the other structures makes it difficult to analyze these earthquakes. The presence of the Quilmes Trough connecting the Santa Lucía Basin in Uruguay and the Salado Basin in Argentina was recently proposed to play a tectonic role by a system of ENE-WSW trending controlled by extensional faulting related to the beginning of the Gondwana breakup. This depocenter with a thickness of almost 2,000 m of Mesozoic and Tertiary sequences could be acting as a zone of weakness in the crust and therefore responsible for the mentioned earthquake activity. The orientation of this structure correlates well with the present convergence vector between the Nazca and the South American plates and could therefore be propitious for strain release triggering shallow intraplate seismicity. We propose that most of the epicenters from historical and recent earthquakes might be aligned sub-parallel to the principal axis of the Quilmes Trough. Nevertheless, more data is needed to produce a reliable earthquake monitoring system in order to elucidate the tectonic stress regime and the existence of such structures at depth.


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