Vol. 43 No. 2 (2021): Boletín de Geología
Artículos científicos

Complementary analysis between instrumental and macrosismic parameters: earthquake may 24, 2008 in Quetame, Colombia

Elkin de Jesús Salcedo-Hurtado
Universidad del Valle
Augusto Antonio Gómez-Capera
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
Héctor Mora-Páez
Servicio Geológico Colombiano

Published 2021-05-31


  • Earthquake,
  • Focal parameters,
  • Instrumentals,
  • Macroseismics,
  • Complementarity

How to Cite

Salcedo-Hurtado, E. de J., Gómez-Capera, A. A., & Mora-Páez, H. (2021). Complementary analysis between instrumental and macrosismic parameters: earthquake may 24, 2008 in Quetame, Colombia. Boletín De Geología, 43(2), 163–184. https://doi.org/10.18273/revbol.v43n2-2021009



The earthquake of May 24th, 2008, occurred in the municipality of Quetame (Colombia), is a recent event detected by the RSNC and the World Seismological Network, which reported their seismological parameters: epicenter, depth, magnitude, scalar seismic moment and focal mechanism, among others. Based on the damages and effects caused, INGEOMINAS (Colombian Geological Survey) evaluated the macroseismic field, preparing the map of intensities with data in various populations of the departments of Cundinamarca, Tolima and Meta, mainly. Based on this macroseismic information, in this work some macroseismic analysis methods are applied to obtain the corresponding focal parameters. The results show strong correlations or similarities between instrumental and macroseismic parameters. Instrumentally reported: Epicenter 4.4°N and 73.81°W; h=14.7 km, 5.9 Mw, 5.9 Ms, 5.6 mb, 5.7 ML; M0=7.95*1024 dynes-cm. While macroseismically it was obtained: Epicenter 4.34°N and 73.86°W; 5.94 Mw, 5.5 Ms, 5.6±0.2 mb, 5.63 ML; hn=12.1 km, hl=2.23 km; E=4.57*1020 erg, M0=9.14*1024 dynes-cm; the parameters of the dimensions of the seismic focus and the seismotectonic deformation expressed by the seismic flow of the rock mass were also determined. The applied procedures show the character of complementarity between instrumental and macroseismic data.


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