Structural characteristics of the La Ye and Mangos lode gold type deposits, El Bagre mining district (Antioquia, Colombia)
Published 2021-09-30
- La Ye mine,
- Mangos mine,
- Lode deposits,
- Shear zone,
- Deformation events
- Structural trends,
- Kinematics ...More
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The La Ye and Mangos mines are located in the northern part of the Central Cordillera of Colombia, northeast of the Antioquia department, in the Zaragoza municipality and inside the El Bagre Mining District (DMB). These underground mines are lode Au-Ag type deposits hosted in a sinistral-reverse shear zone within the Carboniferous granite rocks of the El Carmen Stock. With the integration of structural characteristics, a general NNW-SSE trend with dips between 60°-70°SW were determined for the La Ye vein and a general NNW-SSE trend with dips between 30°-40°NE for Mangos vein. Additionally, based on the stress tensors and cross-cutting relationships of the main faults, at least three deformation events were identified: D1 corresponding to a pre-mineralization NWW-SEE sinistral transpression, D2 associated with a NNE-SSW dextral transpression and D3 tied to a NW-SE sinistral transpression that generated dilatational spaces favorable to the circulation of mineralizing fluids.
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