Vol. 44 No. 1 (2022): Boletín de Geología
Artículos científicos

Seismicity and seismotectonics for the Northern sector of the Algeciras Fault System, Eastern Cordillera, Colombia

Germán Chicangana-Montón
Universidad Santo Tomas
Alfonsina Bocanegra-Gómez
Universidad Santo Tomas
Jorge Pardo-Mayorga
Universidad Santo Tomas
Elkin de Jesús Salcedo-Hurtado
Universidad del Valle
Augusto Gómez-Capera
Istituto Nazionale di Geofísica e Vulcanologia
Carlos Alberto Vargas-Jiménez
Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Published 2022-01-25


  • Fault Systems,
  • Colombian Llanos Foothills,
  • Crustal Seismicity,
  • Seismic Risk

How to Cite

Chicangana-Montón, G., Bocanegra-Gómez, A., Pardo-Mayorga, J., Salcedo-Hurtado, E. de J., Gómez-Capera, A., & Vargas-Jiménez, C. A. (2022). Seismicity and seismotectonics for the Northern sector of the Algeciras Fault System, Eastern Cordillera, Colombia. Boletín De Geología, 44(1), 111–134. https://doi.org/10.18273/revbol.v44n1-2022005



From the late seventeenth century, the Algeciras Fault System (AFS) has been attributed to four historical earthquakes whose magnitude recalculated from macroseismic scale analysis had a magnitude of M>6.5. One of these, that of February 9th, 1967, was instrumentally registered with a magnitude of Mw 7.2. In this work, a study was carried out in the Northern sector of this fault system between 3° and 4°N. Between October 31st, 2016, and July 18th, 2018, four earthquakes with Mw>4.8, were located by the National Seismological Network of Colombia (NSNC) in the municipality of Colombia, department of Huila, were attributed by them to the AFS. Then, on December 24th, 2019, an earthquake with Mw 6.0 was attributed by the NSCS to the Algeciras fault in the department of Meta. This fault is part of the AFS. In accordance with this research, the earthquakes in the region of Colombia occurred in the Altamira and Nazareth Faults, which are reverse faults in a tectono-stratigraphic framework different from the AFS. The AFS toward north of 3°N defines the Llanos Foothills in this region. For the Altamira and Nazareth Faults, the earthquake focal mechanisms indicated inverse faults, while in the Mesetas region its earthquake focal mechanisms indicated right lateral strike - slip faults consistent with the AFS. Because of the high generation of earthquakes with Mw>5.0 for these faults in a period of less than 10 years, here it is established that their seismogenic potential contributes in a very important way to the seismic hazard of central and southwestern Colombia. However, in this work it was also found that the so-called Algeciras Fault, the main component of the SFA in the literature, is segmented and not continuous, so its seismogenic potential should be reassessed.


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