Vol. 44 No. 2 (2022): Boletín de Geología
Artículos científicos

Organic geochemistry, lithofacies and gas shale reservoir potential of cretaceous outcrops from Alto de los Caballeros section, Eastern Cordillera Basin – Colombia

Mailen González-Gómez
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Héctor Galvis-Macareo
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Mario García-González
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Juan Carlos Ramírez-Arias
Universidad de Sao Paulo

Published 2022-07-07


  • La Frontera Formation,
  • Conejo Formation,
  • Unconventional reservoirs

How to Cite

González-Gómez, M., Galvis-Macareo, H., García-González, M., & Ramírez-Arias, J. C. (2022). Organic geochemistry, lithofacies and gas shale reservoir potential of cretaceous outcrops from Alto de los Caballeros section, Eastern Cordillera Basin – Colombia . Boletín De Geología, 44(2), 95–108. https://doi.org/10.18273/revbol.v44n2-2022004



Significant layers of shale are exposed in the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia. These Upper Cretaceous rocks from La Frontera and Conejo Formations in the Chécua-Lenguazaque Syncline, between Ubaté, Carmen de Carupa and Sutatausa towns, were evaluated using geochemical and petrographic analysis to determine their potential as gas shale reservoirs. This structure presents promising characteristics for developing a gas shale reservoir due to its areal extension, the existence of a thick layer of marine cretaceous sequence, and a near location to industrial areas, such as the colombian andean region. In La Frontera and Conejo Formations, the result of outcrop samples analysis indicates that some levels meet the geochemical characteristics required for the existence of potential gas shale reservoirs. One of these levels correspond to the base of La Frontera Formation, where limestones exhibit appropriated organic matter content and maturity conditions for gas shale. In addition, this limestone also presents micro-porosity associated with diagenetic processes and kerogen. The geochemical and petrographic features are similar to those found in the Barnett gas shale. The geochemical and petrographic characteristics reflected by the limestones of La Frontera Formation agree with the criteria described and evaluated internationally for unconventional gas shale reservoirs, similar to those found in the Barnett gas shale, and shows the best conditions for the development of these deposits. Nevertheless, it is necessary to evaluate other petrophysical properties, gas saturation, and effective gas permeability in reservoir condition in order to make a conclusive determination about gas shale potential.


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