General considerations on the genesis of Uranium and Vanadium occurrence in the Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the Berlin Synclinal, Central Cordillera (Colombian Andes)
Published 2023-10-26
- Uranium,
- Vanadium,
- Epigenetic,
- Energy transition
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The mineralization at the Berlin project in Colombia presents a huge interest based on its relatively high uranium and vanadium concentrations (0.11% U3O8) and (0.45% V2O5), with a suite of other economically interesting elements, all of them necessary to achieve the energy transition, including Y, Re, Ag, and P. The present research suggests a hypothesis for the U and V mineralization: an epigenetic origin. The results indicate that the source for U, V, and the other economic elements associated, were released from the black shales of the Abejorral Formation that is overlying a carbonate succession of Cretaceous wackestone. Those elements were transported in diagenetic fluids under specific physical and geochemical conditions. Efficient strata-bound trap occurred when the carbonate succession triggered a redox front that interacted not only with mineralized fluids, but organic matter and H2S.
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