Vol. 11 No. 1 (2020): Revista Cambios y Permanencias

Rural education, an effort to build peace

Paula Cristina Contreras Mateus
Fundación Universitaria Monserrate, Unimonserrate
Julieth Paola Ubaque Ramírez
Fundación Universitaria Monserrate, Unimonserrate
July Geraldin Patiño Ojeda
Fundación Universitaria Monserrate, Unimonserrate
Karem Yesenia Rodríguez Ariza
Fundación Universitaria Monserrate, Unimonserrate
Johana Emilse Salamandra Cruz
Fundación Universitaria Monserrate, Unimonserrate

Published 2020-06-30


  • Unitary education,
  • rurality,
  • conflict,
  • peace and education

How to Cite

Contreras Mateus, P. C., Ubaque Ramírez, J. P., Patiño Ojeda, J. G., Rodríguez Ariza, K. Y., & Salamandra Cruz, J. E. (2020). Rural education, an effort to build peace. Cambios Y Permanencias, 11(1), 1009–1025. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistacyp/article/view/11105


This article is the product of the research entitled “Unitary education in the Patio Bonito school in the Andalusian village of Anapoima municipality and its contributions to the construction of peace”, carried out between the years 2018 and 2019 as a requirement to obtain the title of Worker Social of the Monserrate University Foundation; As main purposes, it aims to publicize the contributions of the model of unitary education to the construction of peace and to highlight the dynamics of differentiated education that within the Andalusian school provide added value to the hard work of educating in the Colombian countryside, arises from the concern regarding the development of education in the field in Colombia, which is addressed from the narratives of the students, the school teacher and two inhabitants of the rural school teaching path. The research was developed from the qualitative approach, using the descriptive study method, in which bibliographic consultations, meetings, semi-structured interviews and field diaries were carried out, which allowed making the pertinent findings for the development of the investigative process, and it is presented as a contribution to the reflection on rural education and the construction of peace in Colombia.


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Páginas web

Recuperado de http://www.ceapedi.com.ar/otroslogos/revistas/0003/09.%20de%20guervos.pdf

Recuperado de https://www.mineducacion.gov.co/1759/w3-article-329722.html?_noredirect=1

Recuperado dehttps://www.mineducacion.gov.co/1621/article-87159.html