Vol. 11 No. 2 (2020): Revista Cambios y Permanencias
Arte y Letras

Machado de Assis despite the tradition in Memories Posthumous de Blas Cubas

Brayan Styven Rey Guerrero
Universidad Industrial de Santander

Published 2020-12-13


  • Author,
  • lector,
  • proto-avant-garde,
  • tedium,
  • skepticism,
  • Brazilian novel
  • ...More

How to Cite

Rey Guerrero, B. S. (2020). Machado de Assis despite the tradition in Memories Posthumous de Blas Cubas. Cambios Y Permanencias, 11(2), 90–98. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistacyp/article/view/11689


The following text includes the annotations made after the reading "Memorias Poststumas de Blas Cubas" in which Joaquím M. Machado de Asiss invests the literary relations (author-reader) in the nineteenth-century tradition of the Brazilian novel. The aim of this essay is to describe and analyze the nooks and crannies in which Machado presented elements for a proto-avant-garde. Through the tour of his work MPBC, the essay will focus on tedium, skepticism and the voluptuousness of boredom, subjects vital to understand the fictional universe of the work.


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Alvarado, R. (2014). De la modernidad machadiana a las bases del modernismo brasileño: lectura de la crítica de Joaquim María Machado de Assis. Literatura: teoría, historia, crítica, 16(2), 2256-5450. Recuperado de https://revistas.unal.edu.co/index.php/lthc/article/view/47217/51330

Barrera, T. (2001). La versatilidad de la prosa de Machado de Assis en Portugal e Brasil no Advento do Mundo Moderno. Lisboa, Portugal: Edições Colibri.

Bravo, L. (2008). Sobre Memorias póstumas de Blas Cubas de Joaquim Machado de Assís. Humanidades, VIII – IX(1).

Hopenhayn, S. (diciembre 14 de 2018). Silvia Hopenhayn - Memorias póstumas de Bras Cubas, de Machado de Assis. [Archivo de video]. Recuperado de https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYAXTt-EC44

Machado, A. (2006). Memorias Póstumas de Blas Cubas. Caracas, Venezuela: Ediciones El Perro y la Rana.