Vol. 11 No. 2 (2020): Revista Cambios y Permanencias

Emotional pedagogical synchrony and reading difficulties in the first grades of schooling

Claudia Patricia Niño Rueda
Universidad Baja California, Tepic, Nayarit, México
Adrián Filiberto Contreras- Colmenares
Universidad de los Andes, Táchira, Venezuela
Erik José Vera Mercado
Instituto Técnico Agrícola, Cáchira, Norte de Santander, Colombia

Published 2020-12-15


  • Mediation,
  • learning difficulty,
  • reading instruction,
  • intervention,
  • student evaluation

How to Cite

Niño Rueda, C. P., Contreras- Colmenares, A. F., & Vera Mercado, E. J. (2020). Emotional pedagogical synchrony and reading difficulties in the first grades of schooling. Cambios Y Permanencias, 11(2), 626–651. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistacyp/article/view/11714


This article explains the emergence of the Emotional Pedagogical Synchrony construct within the framework of an explanatory qualitative research with an experiential introspective approach, which relied on action research and grounded theory for its theoretical and methodological design. This comprehensive emerging concept arises when applying 3 surveys to teachers and analyzing the characteristics of the mediation strategies they use during teaching, learning and reading assessment, as well as the attention to the reading difficulties that students present in the first school grades in a Colombian public educational institution. It is based on Vygotsky (1981), Goleman (2018), De Gregori (2003), Maturana (2001), Brofenbrenner (1979). In the emotional support strategies, the guided pedagogical mediation and the triadic interaction, it reveals success factors for the pedagogical intervention that provides adequate and timely attention to the reading deficiencies of novice readers during the first school grades. These theoretical findings have a high degree of significance in guiding teachers and educational institutions for the design of adequate pedagogical interventions that seek to reduce the educational gap and other factors of school failure that could be related to students' reading deficiencies.


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