Vol. 11 No. 2 (2020): Revista Cambios y Permanencias
Investigadores en Formación

An inclusion repudied by the targets of Cartagena. Case of the barrio Bocagrande

Leidy Carolina De la Rosa Navarro
Universidad de Cartagena

Published 2020-12-15


  • Race,
  • racism,
  • black,
  • elite,
  • identity,
  • Bocagrande
  • ...More

How to Cite

De la Rosa Navarro, L. C. (2020). An inclusion repudied by the targets of Cartagena. Case of the barrio Bocagrande. Cambios Y Permanencias, 11(2), 970–979. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistacyp/article/view/11725


In this article, I propose to demonstrate a short study of the existing racism in the northern part of the city of Cartagena. Explaining the inclusion that blacks have had on the part of the inhabitants of the sector but at the same time, how such discrimination is reflected from cases and experiences lived by the employees and workers of the neighborhood, supported by historical research carried out by experts on the subject. However, it is pertinent to clarify that this work does not have the objective of underestimating the Afro identity, much less overshadowing the importance of the black in Cartagena.


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Ortiz Cassiani, J. (2016). Las Murallas al desnudo. En K. Ganem Maloof (Ed), El incómodo color de la memoria. Bogotá, Colombia: Fundación Malpensante.

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Artículos web

Quintana, A. (enero 27 de 2017). El incómodo color de la memoria. El Universal. Recuperado de https://www.eluniversal.com.co/opinion/columna/el-incomodo-color-de-la-memoria-11949-JWEU354692


Anónimo. (mayo 30 de 2018). Entrevistado por L. De la Rosa. Cartagena, Colombia.

Anónimo. (junio 01 de 2018). Entrevistado por L. De la Rosa. Cartagena, Colombia.