Vol. 11 No. 2 (2020): Revista Cambios y Permanencias

Reassignment of place: resettlers from the Córrego do Prata, Brazil, Tocantins

Fabian Serejo Santana
Universidade do Tocantins -Unitins
Jocyléia Santana dos Santos
Universidade Federal do Tocantins-UFT

Published 2020-12-16


  • Oral history,
  • Resettled,
  • Tocantins,
  • Brazil

How to Cite

Serejo Santana, F., & Santana dos Santos, J. (2020). Reassignment of place: resettlers from the Córrego do Prata, Brazil, Tocantins. Cambios Y Permanencias, 11(2), 1395–1415. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistacyp/article/view/11757


The research analyzes the claim of rights by the population affected by the Córrego Prata resettlement in view of the compulsory relocation imposed by the Luís Eduardo Magalhães Hydroelectric Plant (UHE Lajeado -TO). The resettlement is located 44 km from the municipality of Porto Nacional and 22 km from Palmas, capital of Tocantins, on the banks of TO-050, it was formed with 91 resettled families and 82 swapped. As a method, non-participant observation and interviews were applied. By methodological option, the interviews were carried out in the context of oral history. Without knowing what their rights were, the resettled relied on the interventions and intermediation of subjects such as the Movement of People Affected by Dams, the State Prosecutor's Office and the Associação Reassentamento do Prata, composed of those affected. In order to achieve the objectives, personal experiences, shared in interviews with forty-six remaining families, were taken into account, since most of them abandoned the resettlement, selling their properties because they had not adapted and endured the difficulties of this new place. It is concluded that the resettlers have developed a new mentality with regard to knowing and fighting for their rights.


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Relação dos reassentados entrevistados no estudo

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