Vol. 11 No. 2 (2020): Revista Cambios y Permanencias

Identification, solidarity and social movements. The voices of teachers in the Mexican student movement of 1968

Ricardo Chávez Cruz
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Published 2020-12-16


  • Social movements,
  • identification, group ideals,
  • solidarity,
  • established and marginalized figuration

How to Cite

Chávez Cruz, R. (2020). Identification, solidarity and social movements. The voices of teachers in the Mexican student movement of 1968. Cambios Y Permanencias, 11(2), 1729–1756. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistacyp/article/view/11776


The objective of this work is to develop the relationships that exist between identities, group dynamics and social movements. My approach is that the support or not of social movements, whatever their type, implies an identification with them, more specifically with the ideals that guide the movement. Social movements, then, have to do with groups and their particular group ideals: there are directing ideas, demands that bring together subjects en masse and, based on this, the social movement moves on stage. The subjects support the movement or not, are in solidarity with it or not, depending on whether they identify with those ideals or guiding demands.

In order to develop the work, I will analyze the particular case of the Mexican student movement of 1968 and, for this, I will make use of the concept of established and marginalized figuration, of the sociologist Norbert Elias, and of interviews carried out with professors who worked as such in 1968. Thus, I will be relating the concept, the voices of the teachers and the group process in Mexico until 1968, in order to account for the relationships that exist between identities, groups and social movements


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