Trend of the social work enrollment in the University of Zulia-Venezuela. Reality and perspectives
Published 2019-12-20
- student enrollment,
- dropout,
- university education,
- country context,
- Venezuela
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The article presents an analysis of the student enrollment of the School of Social Work of the Universidad del Zulia (Venezuela), specifically it describes the student registration by semester and curricular units according to the current study plan, establish the current trend of the School and finally overcome the approach of the quantitative estimation of the phenomenon by means of the design of intervention strategies that allow to maintain or retain the students in the continuation of their studies. Methodologically, it was approached from the perspective of quantitative, descriptive and transactional research. The data corresponded to the second period of 2017 and the first and second of 2018, obtained from the automated academic information system (SADIA), and statistically processed. The results show a low student enrollment, especially in the first semesters of the degree, with a decrease of approximately 40% per semester. It concludes with a downward trend in student enrollment in the School of Social Work, in the medium and long term, probably due to the difficult social, economic and political situation that the country is currently facing, especially the lack of university transportation and the student dining room, coupled with the shortage of cash by students, among other factors.
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