Vol. 21 No. 1 (2020): Revista Docencia Universitaria

The Development of Generic Competences in Educational Curricula: Perception of the Faculty of Education

César Augusto Riberos Jaimes
Universidad Industrial de Santander UIS. Bucaramanga, Colombia
Mónica Carvajal Lozano
I. E. José María Estévez. Bucaramanga, Colombia

Published 2020-04-23


  • generic competences,
  • bachelor’s degree,
  • pedagogical practice,
  • teacher training,
  • methodology,
  • perception
  • ...More

How to Cite

Riberos Jaimes, C. A., & Carvajal Lozano, M. (2020). The Development of Generic Competences in Educational Curricula: Perception of the Faculty of Education. Revista Docencia Universitaria, 21(1), 41–54. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistadocencia/article/view/11001


The research investigates the perceptions that teachers and students of the education degrees of the Universidad Industrial de Santander have about the development of generic competencies within their academic training. For this purpose, a structured survey was used, based on the generic competencies of the Tuning Latin America project; the questions were adapted with the intention of establishing in a valid and reliable manner the results obtained. Likewise, each variable was associated with a Likert-type scale question. The instrument for data collection was applied to a representative sample of students and teachers of Spanish and music at the Universidad Industrial de Santander. The results showed that teachers have a positive perception of the development of generic competencies, but are not aware of their application. In turn, some students expressed a positive perception in this regard, which means that the respondents have the disposition towards generic competencies; the capacity for analysis and synthesis is highlighted as the most important within their training.


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